Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

The Hearts of Fire Foundation's vision is to inspire and uplift patients and their families during their time of need. We believe that artwork brings joy, hope, and distraction to those in a hospital setting and helps them maintain a more positive outlook. Art has the power to heal, encourage and make the hospital a fun, uplifting and friendly place.

The message of art can be subliminal, giving hope and providing dignity and joy for patients without them even realizing it.

Studies have found that there is therapeutic, stimulating and soothing value in the use of color and shapes while receiving treatment. Patients recover quicker and endure less stress and pain when they are surrounded by an environment that offers tranquil, joyfull images in their clinical surroundings.

By utilizing art, our goal is to create a warm, encouraging atmosphere that offers an escape to a happier place while dealing with medical issues or waiting on test results. Art can capture the imagination so the families can step out of their lives if even for a brief moment. Our designs will hopefully bring a smile and offer a glimmer of hope in a painfully difficult family situation. 

We also will provide an opportunity for all families to find a piece of joy and encouragement regardless of their station in life. We will reach out to all youth/family centered religious and/or civic associations, offering them a means of expressing themselves through art and apparel.

We will make every effort to provide these resources for children with a debilitating illness free of charge through the use of benefactors and fundraisers. Ultimately, our goal is to "Hand out HOPE like it was candy in our pockets."

Join Us in Spreading Hope

With your donation, you become an integral part of this vision, helping us bring joy, hope, and distraction to those in hospital settings. Your support enables us to provide therapeutic care through art, creating a warm and encouraging atmosphere for children facing medical challenges.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Join us in our mission to heal, encourage, and bring light to those in dark times. Donate now and be a beacon of hope.