Hi there! My name is Rex Lones, and I am Kidkrazydad.
Throughout history, men and women who lived incredible lives and left great legacies did it intentionally. They knew that parents do not stumble upon integrity or accidentally find themselves being faithful to God. Passivity merely leads to futility.
A parent cannot be passive about what scripture tells them to do for their family and expect to be found faithful to God in the end. They must see with spiritual eyes and realize that future generations are directly impacted by their daily decisions. God’s Word is calling us to “step up !” To be all He’s created us to be and do all He’s prepared for us to do.
I have been a child and family advocate for 40 years, have two wonderful sons, two beautiful daughters and four beautiful granddaughters. My journey has taken me down a long and winding path filled with many joys and many heartaches. After the breakdown of my family, I was devastated and lost. I experienced many difficult days trying to learn to parent effectively. After much struggle, I finally learned to surrender to the love I felt for my children and not to the cultural influences around me.
Today my goal is to effectively serve others by helping them walk through their journey with HOPE.
I acknowledge that the absence of strong, loving leadership in the home has fractured the family unit. I believe it has done massive damage to a whole generation of young people. I believe in healing for our children and that every child deserves a loving, stable home.
My mission is to spread hope to others and improve family life through faith, knowledge and understanding. I understand that the family unit is the building block for any society and that without strong family ties, a society will ultimately crumble and fall.
My call is to challenge fathers and mothers to become “fully engaged” in their children’s lives and to seek an end to the strife that has placed our entire society at risk.
-I believe that faith in our divine creator and a relationship with Him is the primary cornerstone of society.
-I believe that healthy, loving relationships with our spouse is the second key to a healthy family.
-I believe that as parents we have a responsibility to “train up a child in the way they should go” and encourage them daily to be the best they can be. Proverbs 22:6
-I seek to call parents to engage their children in every area of their lives.
-I believe that even though there will be many struggles and challenges in their lives, a child can have hope for their future and joy in their journey. I seek to help parents keep the long view in mind so that their children will practice “hopeful living” and become an asset to the world around them as they go through their journey.
-I want to empower and encourage both fathers and mothers through printed media, videos and a lot of prayer!
-I seek to drive home the truth that “All things are possible to those who believe” through a strong faith in God and by practicing His principles of living.
-I support parents reaching out to other parents who are struggling, mentoring them and creating lasting friendships. I encourage building a support structure. a brotherhood and sisterhood that lifts up those who are struggling.
-I have chosen to use the media of this blog site to share my passion and my dreams with those who wish to listen.
-I desire to see ALL parents become the very best parents they can be!
I am doing my best to please the only one who truly matters in the end and that is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May His boundless grace cover me and lead me to bring Him the glory He deserves.
It's time to take off the gloves! Our children deserve more than what our culture is offering. If you love children then join our KidkrazyArmy NOW! Click here for details!
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